Many home buyers unknowingly buy homes contaminated by methamphetamine, which when smoked or manufactured, release dangerous chemicals into the air that can cling to clothing, carpets, and walls. A dream home can quickly turn into a nightmare. A contaminated home can not only cause sickness but also be uninhabitable for a long time. We have come across home buyers who have spent tens of thousands of dollars in remediation and reconstruction, adding financial burden and delay to moving in.
Signs of a Former Meth House
Look out for the possible red flags below:
- Yellow or red stain marks on countertops, carpets, or linoleum
- Blocked out windows
- Discarded cylinders
- Empty solvent jars or mason jars
- Corroded gas canisters
- Blister packs of ephedrine
- Evidence of anhydrous ammonia or hydrochloric acid
- Hydrogen peroxide bottles
- Coffee filters with red stains
- Unusual smells, such as a strong cat urine smell, ammonia, and vinegar
Home Meth Testing Kits
Home test kits are available that identify a full range of drug residue. Sydney Forensic Cleaning offers an inexpensive, on the spot test for meth residue. However, it should be noted, a positive test for meth residue does not necessarily indicate manufacturing was done in the house. It does indicate that the finished product was present.
Sydney Forensic Cleaning | Expert Methamphetamine Testing Services
Before you make an offer to buy the home, always ensure that you have completed a home inspection for meth. Sydney Forensic Cleaning technicians are qualified to properly inspect and clear homes for meth contamination and other chemicals. Internationally trained in HAZMAT and Methamphetamine Decontamination and Clandestine Drug Lab Remediation techniques, Sydney Forensic Cleaning is the industry leader in meth lab testing, decontamination and clean ups in Sydney and New South Wales.
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