How to Reduce Your House Fire Risks


Disasters are unpredictable by nature otherwise the damage and injuries they cause would be minimal. In the case of fires, there are some patterns about them and if you are aware of them and take a few precautions, you can cut your chances of experiencing a fire dramatically.

3 Most Common Places That Fires Occur

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Having a fire is a great way to stay warm during winter, but can cause tremendous damage if left to burn out of control

More fires start in the kitchen than in any other room in the home. Pans can easily scorch or boil over if left unattended, causing a fire on a stovetop. Burned bits of food that fall onto the bottom of the oven can ignite, especially if grease is dripping down on them.

Bedrooms are another location that is a common source for fires. Candles add atmosphere and smell lovely, but if they’re crowded on a table next to tissues and a best-seller, they can easily be knocked over and start a fire.

Barbecue grills are great for making a fast dinner in the summer, but they’re also a prime spot for a fire if the grill is located too close to the house, garage, or shed. Grilled meats such as bratwurst are often fatty and drip grease onto the fire, leading to flare-ups. Any changes in wind direction can blow flames towards nearby tables, especially if the gas is too high or someone used too much lighter fluid.

Most Common Days And Times For Fires

Fires can happen any time of day or night, 365 days a year, but especially during holidays. Fires increase in Autumn and Winter as more people spend time indoors and use heaters to warm their homes.

Improper use of fireplaces, wood stoves, and space heaters are major contributors to fires at this time of year. Fires seem to occur most often on Saturdays and Sundays, and despite what Hollywood dramas might make you think, most fires don’t happen in the middle of the night. The most common time for fires is between 6 and 7pm, a common time for people to cook dinner.

How To Reduce Your Fire Risk

  • Test Smoke Alarms. Everyone knows it’s important to have smoke alarms on every level and outside every bedroom, but it’s also important to ensure they work properly. The Red Cross recommends testing all smoke alarms two times each year. Batteries should be replaced yearly; many people like to change their batteries when they do a once a year activity, such as moving clocks forward or back at daylight savings.
  • Never leave candles burning unattended or leave them on a cluttered surface where they can be tipped over. Be sure they are on a stable, study base at all times.
  • Never smoke in bed.
  • Be sure you are familiar with using your fire extinguisher. You may think you know how to use it, but in an emergency, you may forget everything unless you’ve practiced using it several times. If you don’t understand how to use it, contact the manufacturer or the local fire department.
  • Pay attention when cooking food and never leave it unattended. Clean debris from the bottom of the oven on a regular basis and wipe up splatters as soon as the cooktop cools.
  • Keep barbecue grills away from structures, tables, and anything else that may be flammable. Use only a small amount of lighter fluid for charcoal and never squeeze more onto flames. Monitor the cooking at all times, especially when cooking fatty foods, and keep the flame low enough that wind gusts won’t direct flames onto nearby surfaces. Have a water source or fire extinguisher nearby in case things get out of control.

Recovering From Fire Damage

Be sure to contact a fire damage restoration professional immediately after encountering a fire on your property.

By following safety protocols, using common sense, and when paying attention you’re in “danger zones”, you can reduce your chances of falling victim to a fire in your home. You won’t be able to eliminate risk of suffering fire damage, but you can diminish them significantly, without spending extra money or time.

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