Suicide and self-harm trauma clean up involves certain procedures that must be performed in order to make certain the scene is left safe
Any Self-Harm or Suicide is a tragic event and is often sudden and unexpected. The police and paramedics handle the immediate issues involving a suicide. When they leave, family and friends may be left with an immediate clean up situation in the home.
Blood and bodily fluids may be left in the home depending on the circumstances of the event. It can be emotionally overwhelming to even think about having to clean a house after such a traumatising event.
Sydney Forensic Cleaning technicians are trained, and qualified providers of suicide and self-harm clean up services across Sydney and all New South Wales regions. Our technicians professionally clean and sanitise homes involving suicides and self-harm events.

Suicide and self-harm trauma clean up involves certain procedures that must be performed in order to make certain the scene is left safe
There’s good reason to use a professional company that’s experienced in suicide clean up. Suicide, trauma and unattended death scenes are not only visually disturbing; they can also contain pathogens and materials that are a health hazard. Cleaning after a trauma scene exposes people to many potential hazards associated with blood, tissue, and bodily fluids.
Blood borne pathogens are microorganisms in human blood or certain body fluids that cause disease in humans. The most common blood borne pathogens are Hepatitis B and HIV, which causes AIDS. Methods of exposure to blood borne pathogens include ingestion, inhalation, absorption, injection, and direct mucous membrane contact. Blood, faeces, urine, and vomit are all considered to be biohazards and should be treated with great caution and due care.
Suicide and self-harm trauma clean up involves certain procedures that must be performed in order to make certain the scene is left safe. Our technicians are trained specifically to handle blood borne pathogens in a home environment.
In our experience family and friends of a suicide victim have a significant amount of distress and grief to manage immediately after such a tragic event. It’s hard to make coherent decisions about suicide clean up and its implications. Sydney Forensic Cleaning Suicide Clean Up technicians are discreet and caring in our dealings with people involved in the situation. Our goal is to solve the immediate problem of suicide clean up and lift the burden from the people suffering from the event.
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